Denied Claims: VA Disability Appeals and Hearings
We know that the range of disabling conditions U.S. military veterans endure is nearly as broad as the range of their military experience. At any time, a former member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, National Guard or other branch may begin to be seriously affected by an injury or illness connected to his or her service.
Any veteran in this situation should apply for disability compensation available from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs — regardless of whether the condition is totally disabling and prevents work, and regardless of other government benefits being received. If you are a veteran with questions on your disability compensation, contact our Birmingham office for answers. We have experience with VA hearings and the appeals process.
If you have applied for veterans disability compensation and received a claim denial, a disability rating lower than your condition merits, or an incorrect effective date, a qualified lawyer may prove essential for getting the compensation you need and deserve. We also pursue appeals of denied dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) claims on behalf of qualifying spouses of deceased veterans.
Experienced in VA Disability Appeals and Hearings at All Levels
Our attorneys represent veterans and their families at all levels of the VA claims hearing and appeal process, including:
Providing basic counsel on what may be required to prove eligibility for VA disability benefits at the initial application stage, especially in cases involving mental conditions such as bipolar disorder, PTSD or any illness related to Agent Orange exposure
Filing the required Notice of Disagreement to contest a claim denial
Requesting hearings and providing representation at hearings before the regional Veterans Affairs office in Montgomery, Alabama, or the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA)
Handling all aspects of appeals to the federal Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) when prior efforts fail to yield positive results
The challenges veterans face when seeking compensation benefits include constructing a case that asserts the strongest, clearest disability claims among multiple ailments potentially related to military service. An understanding of how VA examiners view these cases can be critical, as well as access to vocational experts, physicians and others useful to demonstrating your level of disability and its impact on your life.
Serving Veterans Both State and Nationwide: VA Disability Hearing Attorneys
Every case for VA compensation is different, and each VA disability appeal calls for a unique approach. To consult a Birmingham veterans disability appeals attorney who will hear you out and offer honest counsel, please contact us today at Friedman Law Firm, P.C. We offer a free initial consultation.