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IQ and Social Security Disability Benefits

By Douglas I. Friedman of Friedman Law Firm, P.C.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Sometimes a client will have a lower IQ than normal and may be placed in Special Education Classes or have an Individual Education Plan. These are indications of an IQ that may entitle you to disability benefits -- --; especially if you also suffer from another medical condition that restricts your activities.

These cases are not straight-forward, and they are often denied by Social Security. Your attorney must obtain evidence to support not only a low enough IQ score, but also proof that it restricts the clients activities. For example, if the client holds down a full-time, regular job, without the employer being extra lenient on the client, it may be hard to prove an IQ disability.

If you have questions about low IQ cases, feel free to call us.

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