eBenefits versus VBMS-- Which status is Correct?
By Jessica M. Friedman of Friedman Law Firm, P.C.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
When is comes to eBenefits versus VBMS, we prefer VBMS!
Guess what?
The claim status a Vet sees on eBenefits is often different than the status the attorney sees. That's because the lawyer uses a different program, called VBMS, which allows the lawyer to access the Vet's official digital file at the VA-- the same file that the decision-maker at the VA uses. VBMS--; veterans benefit management system--; has all the correct and accurate information about a veteran's case. Unfortunately, eBenefits sometimes does not have the correct information about a veterans case. In particular, the information available on eBenefits regarding the wait time for a decision is often inaccurate. We know from our experience with VA disability cases how long appeals should take. So, while we encourage all of our vets to look at eBenefits, just keep in mind that when you call us we may have different information.
If you have any questions or are looking for help with your case, call us at (800) 728-0434 or email us at LifeHealth@FriedmanFirmPC.com
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